Hunt Stats

Total guesses: 7946
Total solves: 4357
Total participants: 1387
Total teams: 493
Hints asked: 1314
Metas solved: 725
Puzzle Solves Guesses Hints Forward solves 0⁠-⁠hint forward 1⁠-⁠hint forward 2⁠+⁠-⁠hint forward Back solves No solve
Wah-gyu Stakes 336 531 107 326 275 33 18 10 7
Wah-rcade 273 818 88 238 194 32 12 35 34
Wah-shington Post 262 580 103 234 179 36 19 28 24
Wah-spkeeping 292 531 64 273 239 26 8 19 18
Wah-taburger 359 460 22 358 348 7 3 1 2
Wah-wwa Wia 326 376 59 316 294 13 9 10 1
META: Wah-llet 298 487 174 298 188 76 34 0 1
A-maze-ing 235 326 66 234 196 27 11 1 5
Beetle of the World 205 465 87 184 137 31 16 21 12
Juice Factory 243 375 40 235 206 24 5 8 0
Languages 188 286 59 146 121 18 7 42 4
LOLO 216 639 81 203 171 17 15 13 3
Mother Earth 245 358 73 243 203 29 11 2 0
Piles of Letters 235 551 67 223 190 23 10 12 8
The Dating Sim 217 379 103 206 152 32 22 11 8
META: O Bro, Where Art Thou 217 370 83 217 163 37 17 0 0
Wah Street Bets 210 414 38 210 187 16 7 0 0

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